News & Events


Women Winning At Writing Podcast

06/27/2024 Posted by: Tammy J Cohen Category: Events No Comments Host Chelsia McCoy and I discussed how messaging, social media and the over use of devices and technology tend to mess up our communication and lead to disconnection. I shared my strategy for switching it up; by using the same

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Giant Builders Podcast

06/21/2024 Posted by: Tammy J Cohen Category: Events No Comments Giant Builder is a weekly podcast where host Lois Wyant discusses the four building blocks of life; Spirituality, Health, Family, and Business. In a world where digital devices dominated our interaction, Lois and I had a candid conversation about my

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Authors Up Interview with Tammy Cohen

06/14/2024 Posted by: Tammy J Cohen Category: Events No Comments Hosted by Andrea Hines, Victoria Henderson and Ruth Griffin, Authors Up is a platform for first-time and established writers to share their work.  The hosts were very supportive and highly impacted by the messages in Text Messages To My Sons and saw

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Text Messages To My Sons Celebration NYC

06/27/2024 Posted by: Tammy J Cohen Category: Events No Comments Order your copy here Tammy J Cohen Tammy Cohen has been partnering with top-tier corporate executives and entrepreneurs to develop their personal and professional brands for more than 20 years. Today, she has expanded her reach by adding, founder of

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Bridging Hearts Through Text Messages with Our Children

04/07/2024 Posted by: Tammy J Cohen Category: Events No Comments I recently taped an interview with Logan Crawford of Spotlight TV.  His team reached out to me because apparently Logan Crawford was captivated by my story and he wanted me to be a guest on his show and talk about  Text Messages

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“Get Down To Business” with Tammy J Cohen

03/11/2024 Posted by: Tammy J Cohen Category: Events No Comments Shalom and I spoke about  my book “Text Messages To My Sons: Connecting Deeply In a World of Devices” which is the culmination of the messages I sent to my sons over time. There are hundreds of messages in the

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Awesome Gang

Awesome Gang

01/15/2024 Posted by: Tammy J Cohen Category: Events No Comments As I navigate the world of being an author, many platforms are dedicated to books, and I am finding my way into each. I am in the process of being a guest on podcasts and being interviewed for publications. In

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